Wroclaw, Dolno¶l±skie

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What career opportunities UHI has to offer in 2019

Odpowiedz: (U¿yj zak³adki Kontakt powy¿ej)

&#8220;Job Placement through Training Program&#8221;

DID you know it takes just one week to become a certified and professional Lifeguard?
We know because at United Hospitality Institute, we offer a thorough yet concise professional training program, and through our job placement program you can begin working as soon as MAY 2019!

FASOURI WATERPARK has partnered with UHI to sponsor this training, and all you need is passion for the job, no other experience required!

Become a Lifeguard today, with the following benefits;
- Social Insurance Policy
- An accommodation offered by FASOURI WATERPARK
- A salary package of &#8364;700 &#8211; 800 NET per month
- A 50% discount on all meals during working hours
- Sick leave of 22 days, and a monthly leave period of 2 days.
- Travel expenses covered by FASOURI WATERPARK.
And more!

Learn more about who UHI is, contact us for more information, or APPLY now;https://www.uhinstitute.com/projects/ »

Phone Number:
(+357) 25574397

Og³oszenie dodane: Sroda, 06 Luty, 2019  05:44

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